
Corel Painter V8.0 For Mac 英文正式版【2片裝】

  • 貨  號:mac0576-2
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員: act |
  • 瀏覽次數:367
  • 銷售價: NT$300

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Corel Painter V8.0 For Mac 英文正式版【兩片裝】
                Corel Painter V8.0 For Mac 英文正式版【兩片裝】 
                                  For MacOSX 
               Corel 專業彩繪軟體。最新 8.0 版 HoneRdBT 全台首發 
        2003.06.01     全新〞光榮 〞上市           XYZ STUDIO 
                Corel Painter V8.0 For Mac 英文正式版【兩片裝】 
  ■ 參考網址:http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=Corel/Products/p 
    序號 PF08CED-0911681-ZXR 
    Painter 為專業彩繪軟體,在國外已廣被美術、設計、廣告等相關學校或行業使 
    With 30 mediums and over 400 new brushes, no other software replicates 
    the traditional painting experience like CorelR Painter? 8. It 
    unleashes your creative power, increases your productivity and 
    enhances your compatibility with AdobeR PhotoshopR, giving you digital 
    tools that capture the subtleties of your artistic style. 
    Interactively blend paint colors using the new Mixer and design custom 
    brushes with the Brush Creator. Experiment with true-to-life media 
    such as Digital Watercolor, and create original sketches from 
    photographs. With a redesigned interface, customizable palettes, and 
    industry-standard layer masks and channels, youll work more 
    efficiently, leaving more time to be creative. 
             XYZ STUDIO 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。 
                                                           XYZ STUDIO 目錄編輯 
    版軟體,以支援作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後續服務, 